perm filename DIRED.SGK[UP,DOC]2 blob sn#120074 filedate 1974-09-18 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Description
C00007 00003	Switches
C00016 00004	The commands
C00021 00005	Monitor Command Line and Temp Core files
C00023 00006	Plans For the Future
C00025 ENDMK

	Dired is a  "Directory Editor".  It is  operationally similar
to  E.  It  displays a list  of the files  in a  given directory, and
permits you to modify this display to modify the state of your files.
By deleting a  line of display, you delete the  file described on it.
Giving  a negative  argument  to the  delete command  "undeletes" the
specified number of files, thus delete is a non-dangerous  thing to do
in Dired,  since it can always  be undone. By editing a  line (as you
would with E) you rename  it.  This allows  you to change the  file's
names, PPN, protection, date,  and time.  Files which are  in use, or
protected against you are not displayed.
	The files are displayed in alphabetic order  by file name, in
order of date last written, or by file size. They can be displayed in
order of date last written by using the /DATE SORT switch.  The /SIZE
SORT switch can be used to cause  your files to be sorted in order of
size. The  /REVERSE  SORT  switch (sticky)  causes  the  files  to be
displayed in reverse order.
	A mask facility is provided.  The mask can be specified while
running, or in the  monitor command line, in the form of a file name.
* matches any file  name as in  COPY (i.e. DEL, DIR,  REN, COPY).   ∀
matches any character in a file  name.  The mask FUBAR5∀.* causes only
files whose first 5 letters are FUBAR to be displayed.
	A similar mask facility exists for PPN's as for file names. ∀
or ?  matches any character, and as in COPY  * matches any name.  The
PPN [* implies all of your areas, as in COPY.  The PPN [? implies all
of your areas with a single character project name.
	A word about deleteing:  when a line of text  is deleted from
the  display,   the delete  does not  actually take  place.   All the
deletes done are added to a "delete list" which is run  when exiting,
switching PPN's, or switching devices  (UDP/DSK). The delete list can
be edited using the /SHOW command. (see /SHOW switch) The delete list
can be cleared with the command /ABORT, which appears  to the user to
have the effect  of undoing all the deletes done  since the last time
the delete list  was run. Giving  a negative argument  to the  delete
command "undeletes" files. This is done by  removing |ARG| files from
the bottom  of the delete list.  The delete  list can be run by using
the extended command /DELETE. 
	The following is a list of the  descriptions of the entries in
each line of directory information displayed by Dired:

First File Name
File Size
Date Last Written
Time Last Written
Date Last Dumped followed by a P or T indicating dump class
Number of times file on a permanent class dump tape.

	The following are the available switches.   They can be typed
at  the monitor  command line,  or while  running the  program unless
otherwise noted.  Only enough of the command to make it non ambiguous
need be typed.

	Clears the  delete list.   Like giving an  argument of  -∞ to
the delete command (not switch).

	Causes the files to be displayed in alphabetic order.

	Causes  the files  to  be displayed  in  order of  date  last

	Runs the delete list. This of course is only meaningful while
running Dired.

	Edits a directory on  the DSK.  This is  the default setting.
The device (UDP or DSK) selection is sticky.

	This command enters E on the current file.  Before doing so,
it goes thru the standard bit of writing a TMPCOR file and running your
delete list.  If you give this switch an argument, editing begins on page
|ARG| of the file.  Otherwise editing begins on page 1.  For example:  α9/ED<RETURN>
starts you editing the current file on page 9.  Once in E, you may return by
typing to E the extended command DIRED.  (αXDI<RETURN> will do)

	This is the same as /EDIT FILE except that the file is edited in /R
mode.  This is useful for pawing thru a directory to see what's what.

	This switch controls the  extension sort mode.  When  you are
in  extension sort mode, files  are sorted by extension,  and then by
file name.  Otherwise files are sorted by file name, then extension.
	When this switch is typed,  if you  are already in alpha sort
mode the extension  sort mode bit is complemented. If you are sorting
by date when this switch is typed, you are placed in alpha sort mode,
and extension  sort mode  both.   Simply put, it  does all  the right
things for getting in and out of extension sort mode.  The alpha sort
switch resets extension sort.  i.e. typing /ALPHA SORT will place you
in the normal sort by alpha file names mode, as you are in by default
when you start Dired.

	This is a switch which is only meaningful when given in the
monitor command line.  This puts you in "fast mode".  When in fast
mode Dired does not do any LOOKUPs on your files, which is the time
consuming thing when getting started.  The only things Dired will
display are file names, extensions, and PPNs.  Your total DSK space
used is not available to Dired without doing LOOKUPs, and is not
shown.  The mode is useful for looking thru a directory or a number
of directories for a group of files in a hurry.  Edit commands (/EXAMINE
and /EDIT) work in the mode.  The mode may be exited, thus causing all
the LOOKUP data to be read, by using the /FULL MODE switch.  /FAST
MODE is not sticky over restarts.

	This switch removes you from /FAST MODE.  /FULL mode is the
default when you start up Dired, so you can save Dired the trouble of
ignoring it in your monitor command line.  If typed while you are in
/FAST MODE it reads all the LOOKUP data you convinced Dired not to
read in the first place, and displays on your screen all those
wonderful bits of information you are inviting Dired to clobber.

	Displays one line descriptions of the switches.

	Complements the mode in  which file sizes are printed.   File
sizes  are printed in  words unless this  switch is  thrown, in which
case files larger  than 1024 are  printed in the  form "69 K",  where
1024. is 1 K.

	This command is only useful when you are  in fast mode.  When
in fast mode little can be seen of the state of your files.  When you
type this  command the current  file, and  only the  current file  is
looked up. All the information that  is usually displayed on a looked
up file (FULL MODE) is shown.  This is useful for getting information
on a limited number of files that would take a longer time to gather
on all your files.

	This command is for outputing your file directory to a DSK file.
It asks for a file name, and writes the text for all the files it is
considering onto the given filename.  They are written in the order they
appear on your screen.

	Prevents you from  modifying anything.   If you do  a delete,
the text will disappear, but the delete list is never run.

	Causes the sort direction to be complemented. Displaying your
files in reverse /DATE SORT mode shows the most recent files first.

	This command switches your display mode between the normal,
and Delete List mode.  In delete list mode instead of displaying your
files, your delete list is shown.  Your delete list contains the
files you have deleted.  These files will be delete when you exit
Dired, unless you undelete them first. While in delete list mode, you
may delete entries from the delete list by using the αβD command.
This has the effect of "undeleting" files. (i.e. you can edit your
editions by going into delete list mode and "deleteing deletes" done
in the past)

	Causes the files to be sorted by size.

	Edits a  directory on  the UDP  assigned as  device UDP.   If
typed  while running  and files  have been  deleted from  the current
display, the delete list is run first.

The commands

The following commands are the same or close to  the same as they are
in E.

αβE	αβL	αβW	αβV	CR	VT	αβ>	αβ<
αβ≤	αβ≥	FORM	αβT	αβB	αβJ

Dired commands  accepts arguments  in a  similar way  to E  (<Control>
<meta><digit>).  This includes αβ- and αβ∞.

The following are descriptions of other commands to Dired.  Below ARG
is used  to mean  the value  of the  argument given  to the  command.
Unless otherwise mentioned, commands given no argument will act as if
an argument of one had been given.


	Will display a screenfull of information about the commands.


	This  command when  given a  positive  argument, deletes  ARG
files from your directory.   It behaves in a manner similar to αβD in
E.   Deleteing a  line of  directory information  has  the effect  of
deleteing the file described on it.
	When  given a  negative argument  it  "Undeletes" ARG  files,
undeleteing the  files most recently flushed first.   The way this is
accomplished is  by removing  files from  the delete  list.   When  a
delete command is  typed the information about which  files to delete
is  added to the  delete list, and  this list is ran  when doing such
things as exiting the program, or switching PPN's.


	This command exits Dired.  It deletes  all the files you have
in your delete list, and writes a TMPCOR file describing your current
state. Should  you re  enter  Dired from  E or  by typing  a  monitor
command with no PPN, file name,  or switches then you will be started
in  the same state (PPN,  current file, sort mode,  etc.) as you were
when you typed αβE.


	This  command reads  a  mask  in the  form  of a  file  name.
Anything  that  may have  been specified  in  a command  line  may be
specified here, such as  a PPN, and Switches.   αβMFOO*.*/DATE[69,105
sets the mask  to display only the files that  begin with "FOO", sort
them by date, and get all of this from [69,105].
	This is the  best command to  use when you are  changing your
PPN,  device, or mask.   The "[" command is  useful for changing your
PPN without changing your mask.


	Accepts a PPN without changing the mask.  A ] or a CR will
terminate reading of a PPN.  


	Typing a / will leave you in the line editor and allow you to
type one or more switches.  Of course a PPN may be specified in this
line also.

αβ≡	DDT

	This enters  the DDT in  your core  image after clearing  the
screen  for you.  It  sets up .JBOPC  so you can return  from RAID by
using the proceed command.  You  should not do this unless you  know
what you are doing.

Monitor Command Line and Temp Core files

	When you exit Dired, it creates a TMPCOR file containing
information about what you were doing, such as the PPN, where you
were in the display, the sort mode, etc.  When a Dired is started, if
this file exists it is read, and sets these things back to the state
described unless information was given in the monitor command line in which
case you PPN is set to your alias instead of the PPN you last edited.
The monitor command DRD starts Dired.

	Here are some sample Monitor Command Lines:

	Edits the directory [105,69]

	Edits your directory (or alias'd directory) on device UDP1:

	Edits your directory (alias) in extension sort mode.

	Edits your directory (alias) in Fast mode.  This means no LOOKUPs are done
and no information such as file dates and sizes is displayed.
Plans For the Future

	Dired as a systems program is by no means complete, and may never
be for this system.  It was not designed very well from the begining,
it was hard to know just what one would and wouldnt want
most in a directory editor.  Now that we know a little more about the ways
a directory editor can be useful, a better kludge can be designed.  This kludge
will probably not happen until the new system happens.  If you have any 
ideas about directory editors, even if they are so different from the current
Dired that they clearly aren't going to be 'added', feel free to relate them
to me.  Hopefully the next time around Dired will win a little more.
